Dr. Tsogt Tsend gave a lecture on his doctoral research
On January 8, 2018, the Mongolia Satellite Campus hosted a lecture by Dr. Tsogt Tsend, judge of Administrative Court of Appeals and one of the first students to have earned his doctoral degree through the Asian Satelite Campuses Institute. Dr. Tsogt’s lecture, entitled “Development of administrative litigation in Mongolia: from administrative control to court remedy?” was based on the findings of his doctoral research. It was co-organized by the National Legal Institute, the National University of Mongolia (NUM) and the Administrative Court of Appeals.
The event took place at the National Legal Institute of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar City, and attracted hundreds of participants, including leading professionals in administrative law and administrative litigation in Mongolia, judges of the Administrative Courts, judges of the Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional Court, the Deputy Minister of Justice, members of the Academy of Science, law professors, researchers, and practicing lawyers. Professor Isoda Fumio, the Director of the Asian Satellite Campuses Institute, opened the lecture with a welcoming speech. It was then followed by speeches from Ms. S. Enkhtsetseg, the Director of the National Legal Institute, Professor J. Erdenebulgan, Dean of the School of Law, NUM, and the guest of honor, Mr. Kikuchi Minoru, Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy of Japan in Ulaanbaatar. Professor J. Erdenebulgan, in his speech, noted that the Asian Satellite Campuses Institute doctoral program plays a key role in helping to nurture leading legal professionals in Mongolia. He stressed the importance of the event as it was the first of its kind to facilitate a comprehensive discussion among professionals. The event also signified the beginning of the dissemination of the findings of doctoral research conducted abroad. Professor J. Erdenebulgan also encouraged Dr. Tsogt to publish his doctoral dissertation in Mongolia.
Following a speech by the guest of honor, Mr. Kikuchi Minoru, Dr. Tsogt’s academic supervisor Professor Ichihashi Katsuya provided a brief introduction to the findings of Dr. Tsogt’s research. Dr. Tsogt then presented his lecture, which was commented on by four discussants, who had been selected from among leading academics and legal practitioners within Mongolia. The discussants had each read Dr. Tsogt’s dissertation carefully and shared their perspectives on the research findings. The discussants included Academician S. Narangerel, member of the Academy of Science, Professor P. Odgerel from National University of Mongolia, and Ms. D. Munkhtuya, judge of the administrative chamber of the Supreme Court of Mongolia.
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